michelleklanier's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Manzanares el Real, Spain

The Ibex of La Pedriza

This species of wild goat stars in witchy legends and frolics among the park's eerie rock formations.
Figueres, Spain

Dalí Theatre and Museum

Giant eggs, walls of bread, and nightmare surreality mark the largest collection of works by Salvador Dalí.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Plaza Theatre

This Art-Deco movie palace is the oldest independent cinema in Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia

Michael C. Carlos Museum

Located on the campus of Emory University, this museum is filled with objects from the Americas to ancient Greece.
Atlanta, Georgia

Eastern Sub-Continental Divide Mural

A little-known mural reveals the hydrological reason for Atlanta's founding in this location.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta's One-Person Jail Cell

Unruly residents were housed in this one-person cell until the Black Maria arrived.
Atlanta, Georgia

Coca-Cola Secret Formula Vault

One of corporate America's best-kept secrets is also one of the most publicly displayed.
Atlanta, Georgia

Folk Art Park

A psychedelic tribute to one of Georgia's most unique artistic visionaries, out of place and time in the heart of Atlanta.
Summerville, Georgia

Howard Finster's Paradise Gardens

This "Plant Farm Museum" is home to the divinely inspired and visionary outsider artwork of Reverend Howard Finster.
Atlanta, Georgia

Oakland Cemetery

Civil War soldiers, captains of industry, and paupers all interred on historic grounds.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Botanical Garden

A grassroots community effort in the 1970s led to the creation of this beautiful garden full of delightfully whimsical exhibits.
Atlanta, Georgia

Cascade Springs Nature Preserve

Healing Springs that once ran red with soldiers' blood.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party

Proceeds from this colorful teahouse in a historic Atlanta neighborhood directly fund women’s education in northeast India.
Brooklyn, New York

Bushwick Inlet

Once a flowing stream and where the USS Monitor, the world's first ironclad, was built and launched.
Atlanta, Georgia

Doll's Head Trail

Just a few miles from downtown Atlanta is a trail covered in a crazy collection of outsider art.
Keene Valley, New York

Lake Tear of the Clouds

Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “midnight ride to the presidency" started at this small lake high up in the Adirondacks.
Brooklyn, New York

Fort Defiance

The humble fort that saved Washington.
Brevard, North Carolina

Looking Glass Rock

This granite rock face is named for the magnificent reflection that occurs when the sun hits it just right.
Brooklyn, New York

Sunny's Bar

Once a popular watering hole among longshoremen and shipyard workers, this neighborhood treasure spans more than 100 years of Red Hook history.
New York, New York

Lower East Side Toy Company (The Back Room)

Become a prohibition rebel.
New York, New York

U.N. Delegates Dining Room

You don't have to be an ambassador to dine like one.
Brooklyn, New York

Turk's Inn

A Wisconsin kitsch palace from the 1930s lives its second life in 21st-century Brooklyn.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Consulate

No passport is required to eat around the world at this elegant restaurant.
Nashville, Tennessee


East Nashville's oldest dive bar will bring you back to life with animal-style bar fare.