Castle Rock - Atlas Obscura

AO Edited

Castle Rock

This uniquely shaped slab of volcanic rock has been used by generations of Antarctic explorers. 


A large volcanic rock with a flat top and steep sides in the shadow of Mt. Erebus in Antarctica, Castle Rock gets its name from its distinct shape. Ropes have been installed to assist climbers with the ascent. Robert Falcon Scott named the unusual formation after the British National Antarctic Expedition from 1901 to 1904. Subsequent early Arctic explorers continued to use Castle Rock as a navigational landmark.

Today, visitors to the southernmost continent in the summer months can still clamber up the slopes of Castle Rock. There are hiking trails from McMurdo Station and Scott Base, as well as three emergency huts. There’s even a fixed line to help climbers reach the top, although this route is not for the feint of heart.


Know Before You Go

The hiking route up Castle Rock is considered the most challenging near the station. 

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March 13, 2024

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