Korenica Monument – Nebljusi, Croatia - Atlas Obscura

Korenica Monument

Nebljusi, Croatia

A forgotten monument to Yugoslavian freedom. 


The Balkans, along with the rest of Europe, breathed a sigh of relief at the end of World War II. Yugoslavia was taking shape under Josip Broz Tito and as the German and Italian tanks rumbled out of the region Tito ordered monuments to be built commemorating Slavic victory in World War II.

Today in the town of Korenica - near the border between Croatia and Bosnia - a huge monument stretches out over an open field. Little is known about the wing-shaped monument. Commemorating Yugoslavia’s victory in World War II, it symbolizes a new found freedom for the people of Yugoslavia.

Of course, as it was commissioned by Tito, the authoritarian leader who ruled Yugoslavia for the next 60 years, the symbolism can also be read not as wings of freedom, but lines of Tito’s power spreading over the Balkan region. In this context the monument represents both the end of Nazi’s in Yugoslavia, and the beginning of a new dictatorial era.

I’ve been to Korenica and asked a dozen of people in the village, they say it has been torn down. You may correct me if I’m wrong. But I’ve spend half a day looking for the monument.

Know Before You Go

It is situated near Bijeli Potoci, on the road to Donji Lapac.Turn left from the main road following the sign written on a wooden board that says "Bijeli Potoci", and after passing the small resting hut, turn left at the next crossing. After 500m you'll get to the monument, that is, what's left of it.

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