The Official Bad Art Museum of Art (also known by the acronym "OBAMA") is located inside Cafe Racer in Seattle. Black velvet paintings, paint-by-numbers, children with big eyes, dogs playing poker -- they're all here for amusement, enjoyment and edification.
The Official Bad Art Museum of Art, located inside Cafe Racer, attracts an unusual type of person, one who appreciates visions of the absurd. The interior is painted in a shade that is reminiscent of a Cheeto. Denizens and derelicts come and go, art lovers, art haters, musicians, artists, and anti-artists, all mingle freely surrounded by the multitude of bad art that abounds on every wall.
Cafe Racer itself has some unusual menu items including the "Wonder Wiener." The wonder wiener consists of a polish dog split in half, with a slice of bacon placed inside and grilled. The wiener is then stuffed with cream cheese, green chilies and onions, and served on a toasted bun spread with special sauces mayotard and voilà. Due to the artery clogging potential, they recommend only one per week.
Also located on the premises of Cafe Racer is Cafe RAZOR, a full-service barber and beauty salon. Grab a beer and get a quick cut, shave or style. Live music is also a regular addition to the cafe, as are rotating "Real Art" shows, on a monthly basis.
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March 19, 2012
March 26, 2022
- https://seattlespectator.com/2023/11/01/cafe-racer-closed
- https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/seattles-cafe-racer-finds-a-new-home-on-capitol-hill/
- Http://www.caferacermusic.com/Obama-museum.html
- Http://www.caferacermusic.com/Obama-museum.html
- Marlow Harris
- https://www.facebook.com/CafeRacerSeattle/
- https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBadArtMuseumofArt/