The World's Largest Paddle – Parson, British Columbia - Atlas Obscura

The World's Largest Paddle

Parson, British Columbia

A roadside attraction fit for a giant.  

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Often overshadowed by the neighboring national parks, the World’s Largest Paddle is just a short side trip away from the Trans-Canada highway. The paddle comes in at 60-feet long and 9-feet high, weighing in total an impressive 5,300 pounds. The paddle was also labeled by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest. 

Constructed by a local business owner and his associates, it took approximately 200 hours to build. The paddle was crafted using a single Western red cedar log. The goal behind constructing such a large paddle was to increase tourism to the area, while raising awareness about activities along the Columbia River. 

Know Before You Go

Make sure to keep an eye out for it as you're driving to the address. It's removed enough from the road that it can be easy to miss.

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