Toga Vin & Ølstue – Copenhagen, Denmark - Atlas Obscura

Toga Vin & Ølstue

An old Danish political institution where members of government can grab a drink off the record. 

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Toga is an old institution in Danish politics. All branches of government, from all parts of the political spectrum meet here, for off the record drinking. 

Newly elected chairs of political parties or political organizations, labor unions, student organizations and NGOs, will go through the right of passage, guest bartending here. 

Members of parliament and cabinet ministers are often to be found here, engaged in free and open debates, hunched over ashtrays and pints of beer. 

Know Before You Go

Conversations and behavior at Toga is strictly off the record. Photos are frowned upon.

Toga is the Danish von Oosten Embassy, a German bitter, which taste comes remarkably close to mosquito poison, with a hint of cinnamon.

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August 20, 2016

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