World's Largest Skis - Atlas Obscura

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World's Largest Skis

Edsbyverken, Sweden

This Swedish village shows off its most well-known products in a big way. 

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Edsbyverken is a key producer of wooden furniture today, and manufactured skis from 1899 to 1999. To honor this tradition, replicas of these important exports now stand next to the entrance to the town. At 10 times the size of their normal counterparts, these imposing pieces of athletic equipment bear the distinction of being the largest skis in the world.

Next to the skis is a chair measuring 7.6 meters in height. Although chairs larger than that exist elsewhere in the world, the information sign next to it claims the Guinness Book of World Records confirms it is the largest peg chair.

If that wasn’t enough enormous replicas of wooden objects for you, the bandy arena in town also has the World’s Largest Wooden Bandy Stick sitting right in front of it.

Know Before You Go

There is a parking space right next to the chair, which is cleared of snow in winter.

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January 24, 2024

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