matthewmetcalfe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Places visited in Cayman Islands
Places visited in Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands
Places edited in Budapest, Hungary
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Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

Bloody Bay Coral Wall

A glowing underwater cliff attracts marine life and divers in equal measure.
Gun Bay, Cayman Islands

Wreck of the Ten Sail

A massive maritime collision may have led to the myth of a resort island's strange financial status.
West Bay, Cayman Islands

Hell, Grand Cayman

Send a postcard while vacationing with Satan.
George Town, Cayman Islands

George Town

The capital of the Cayman Islands is a center of offshore banking, but gets battered by blistering hurricanes.
Florence, Italy

Il Porcellino

This bronze boar's snout has been rubbed to a golden sheen by visitors seeking good fortune.
Berchtesgaden, Germany

The Eagle's Nest

Soaring over 6,000 feet in the Bavarian Alps, this beer garden was once Hitler's 50th birthday present.
Salzburg, Austria

Zwerglgarten (Dwarf Garden)

Ugly 18th-century dwarf statues living in a perfectly landscaped Austrian garden.
Salzburg, Austria

St. Sebastian’s Cemetery

Terrifically morbid cemetary and site of famous Paracelsus' grave.
Salzburg, Austria


Amidst medieval and baroque buildings, five human-sized gherkins stand tall.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Vienna, Austria

Stephansdom Crypt

The crypt of the imposing Stephensdom holds royal intestines and thousands of skeletons.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hermitage Hotel Men's Bathroom

This award-winning men's bathroom was just too beautiful to not allow women to see.
Nashville, Tennessee

Concrete Parthenon

This replica of the Greek structure is in the heart of Nashville.
Inyo County, California

Artist's Drive

Millions of years of oxidation make a drive down this winding Death Valley road surprisingly colorful.
San Bernardino, California

Kelso Dunes

The largest dune field in the Mojave offers a chance of hearing the 'singing sands.'
San Bernardino County, California

Kelso Ghost Town

The abandoned train depot now doubles as a well-placed rest stop for those who take the road less traveled.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
Los Angeles, California

La Brea Tar Pits Dragonfly Fossils

These delicate buggers are some of the rarest fossils that have bubbled up from the Tar Pits.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood's most famous landmark, the "temporary" sign that has stood for decades longer than intended.
San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island

In all of the 29 years it was in operation, no prisoners ever escaped successfully... or so they claim.
Xcalacoop, Mexico

Cenote Ik-Kil

A magical sinkhole on the Yucatán Peninsula is adorned with mini waterfalls and hanging vines.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.