stephradner's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Newton, Massachusetts

John Eliot Memorial

Eliot was the first missionary to produce religious text for Algonquians in their own language.
Watertown, Massachusetts

The Plumbing Museum

Located in a beautifully restored ice house, this museum is the result of decades of hard work and devotion to the craft of plumbing.
Boston, Massachusetts

Cocoanut Grove Fire Plaque

A plaque memorializes the Boston location of one of the largest nightclub fires in history.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The Brattle Theatre

One of the last remaining movie theatres in the country that features a rear-projection system.
Boston, Massachusetts

Franklin Park's Overlook Shelter Ruins

The often-overlooked ruins of one of the first buildings designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Olmsted.
Highland, Scotland

Cawdor Castle

The location of this historic castle was inspired by a donkey.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Camera Obscura & World of Illusions

360° views of the city plus five floors of optical illusions and hands-on science.
Stirling, Scotland

The King's Knot

These formal gardens were designed to be admired from the vantage point of the castle.
Hilo, Hawaii

Mauna Kea

Earth's tallest volcano is sacred to Native Hawaiians, and home to a dozen world-class observatories.
Bowman, South Carolina

UFO Welcome Center

This set of rickety spaceships are prepared to give alien travelers a place to relax and go to the bathroom.
Walterboro, South Carolina

Walterboro Water Tower

This South Carolina water tower is an icon of the city of Walterboro, but it also once served as the county jail.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

Established in 1638 to battle the Black Death, Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam is a treasure trove of rare flora.
Liverpool, England


Created as a punny statement about genetic engineering this monstrous hybrid statue has become a beloved icon.
Conwy, Wales

Quay House, The Smallest House in Great Britain

A former fisherman's hut deemed too small for habitation is now a delightful tourist draw.
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Wales


This Welsh village gave itself a ridiculous name in a publicity stunt a century ahead of its time.
Gwynedd, Wales


The highest peak in Wales is said to be the final resting place of a giant killed by King Arthur.
Liverpool, England

Williamson Tunnels

19th century tunnels burrowed under Liverpool.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Samson and Goliath

These engineering masterpieces are a dominant feature of the Belfast skyline.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Europa Hotel

It was once nicknamed "the most bombed hotel in Europe."
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'Alec the Goose'

The statue honors a beloved bird that once roamed St. George's Market.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

St. George's Market

The last Victorian market in Belfast.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Crown Liquor Saloon

This Victorian-era public house has set the standard for pub-style elegance for over a hundred years.