tslawson91's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Douglas, Arizona

Last Supper Museum Art & Music Center

With more than 2,000 pieces, this is world's largest collection of artwork inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper.'
Bastrop, Texas

The Gas Station

The pit stop from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" now serves beef and pork barbecue, not people.
Florence, Texas

‘It’s Chaos, Be Kind’

A community-funded monument to kindness in the face of life's difficulties.
Midland, Texas

The Petroleum Museum

The petroleum industry brings you the joys of hydrocarbons and largest collection of antique oil rigs in the world.
San Angelo, Texas

International Water Lily Garden

An oasis of lilies cultivated by the "Indiana Jones of Water Lilies."
Madrid, Spain

Toilet Cabinet of Ferdinand VII

The Spanish king's private bathroom embraced the idea of a porcelain throne.
Bowling Green, Kentucky

National Corvette Museum Sinkhole

Eight rare Corvettes are swallowed up by a sinkhole in Kentucky's National Corvette Museum.
Neece, Texas

'Cast Away' Crossroads

It's where the final scene of the beloved Tom Hanks movie was filmed.
Irvine, California

Peter the Anteater Statue

This bronze statue commemorates the strange and beloved mascot of UC Irvine—the only university to be represented by a giant anteater.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Heritage Museum

A little barn in the middle of the city preserving Hollywood treasures since 1985.
Los Angeles, California

Camera Collection at the American Society of Cinematographers

Inside this clubhouse is a cinephile's paradise.
Batumi, Georgia

Ali and Nino

A literally moving statue of stacked metal giants just continually trying (and failing) to find love.
Sevierville, Tennessee

Dolly Parton Statue

An ode to "The Queen of Appalachia."
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Titanic Museum Attraction

A recreation of the doomed ocean liner in the middle of the Smoky Mountains.
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Dolly Parton’s Dream Box and Final Song

This chestnut box will not be opened until the country music legend's 100th birthday in 2046.
Gotha, Florida

Bob Ross's Grave

Loyal fans of one television's most famous painters still come to pay their respects.
San Jose, California

Olympic Black Power Statue

A statue commemorate Tommie Smith and John Carlos's brave protest at the 1968 Olympics, a watershed moment for civil rights.
Washington, D.C.

Reading Room at the Folger Shakespeare Library

Home to a vast and influential collection of Shakespeareana.
Austin, Texas

Mayfield Park

Free public park and gardens filled with peacocks and peahens.
Austin, Texas

Elisabet Ney Museum

Life's work of sculptor Elisabet Ney remains preserved in her last studio.
Los Angeles, California

Korean Bell of Friendship

This symbol of peace is appropriately positioned overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Vernon, Vermont

Tiny Bread Box

Every Saturday morning, this microbakery fills up with freshly baked pastries and sourdough breads.
Bartow, Florida

Wonder House

Given just one more year to live, Conrad Schuck built his dream house in Bartow, Florida.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.