mheld66's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tampere, Finland
Places visited in Inari, Finland
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Trieste, Italy

Bora Trieste

The Adriatic's most famous wind can be reliably experienced in the city's Marina.
Trieste, Italy

Arco di Riccardo

This Roman monument is surrounded by more recent construction, offering a stark contrast between ancient architecture and the modern urban landscape.
Trieste, Italy

Risiera di San Sabba

During World War II, this rice mill became a Nazi concentration camp.
Riga, Latvia

Art Nouveau in Riga

Flamboyant architecture from the turn of 20th century.
Riga, Latvia

Riga Central Market

3,000 market stands in five former Zeppelin hangars.
Riga, Latvia

Black Cat of Riga

A black cat protests the City Guild in Riga's Old Town.
Riga, Latvia

Remembrance Memorial to the Victims of the Soviet Occupation

With a design inspired by traditional Latvian textiles, this monument honors the Latvian people who suffered under Soviet occupation.
Riga, Latvia

Monument to the Latvian Riflemen

A statue built to honor the elite soldiers who fought for Latvia during World War I.
Riga, Latvia

Castle of Light

Latvia's symbolic mountain-shaped national library is home to millions of cultural tomes.
Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Teletorn (TV Tower)

This dizzying tower was built to better broadcast the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
Põhja-Tallinna, Estonia

Fortress Patarei

A former imperial sea-fortress and Soviet prison.
Tallinn, Estonia

Telliskivi Creative City

Estonia's largest creative city is a vibrant bohemian hub located within a former industrial complex.
Tallinn, Estonia

KGB Museum

"There's nothing there," and other lies the KGB told us.
Tallinn, Estonia


The oldest continuously operating pharmacy in Europe.
Tallinn, Estonia


An empty relic of the Moscow Olympics crumbles away in Estonia's capital.
Tallinn, Estonia

'Broken Line' Memorial

A monument commemorating the 852 lives lost in the sinking of the MS Estonia.
Tallinn, Estonia

Saint Olaf's Church

During the Soviet era, the spire of this longstanding church was used as a radio transmission tower.
Tustin, California

Tustin Blimp Hangar #2

This enormous World War II relic is one of the largest wooden structures in the world.
Newport Beach, California

The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island

Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand.
Suomussalmi, Finland

The Silent People

Menacing or in memoriam, the Silent People and their meaning are left to interpretation.
Inari, Finland

Siida Museum

A beautiful Arctic museum and nature center preserves the culture of the Sámi people.
Inari, Finland

Pielpajärvi Wilderness Church

This disused church, left to the elements of the Arctic Circle's forests is open for exploration.
Vardo, Norway

Steilneset Memorial

The people murdered during a 17th-century Norwegian witch hunt have been honored with a pair of stark, modern installations.
Los Angeles, California

Urban Light

Scores of vintage street lamps shine along L.A.’s Miracle Mile.