emmaab's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

The House with The Blood Stains

The former home of a mad diplomat is said to still be marked in bloody, arcane scrawls.
Madrid, Spain

Kiosko de Horchata Miguel y José

Madrid's last horchata kiosk is a blue-and-white beacon of refreshment.
Madrid, Spain

Dolmen de Dalí

The only urban monument in the world designed by the great surrealist painter Salvador Dalí.
Madrid, Spain

Gran Vía Museum and Palacios Pavilion

A small museum displays some of the artifacts discovered during a subway station renovation.
Madrid, Spain

Caja de las Letras

A vault of safe-deposit boxes in an old bank has been repurposed as a time capsule of Hispanic culture.
Madrid, Spain

Juan de la Cosa Map

The earliest known map to show America, discovered by accident at a Paris bookshop.
Madrid, Spain

Statue of Diana the Huntress

Artist Natividad Sánchez wrote a new ending for one of Roman mythology's tragic love stories.
Madrid, Spain

'La Cabina'

This phone booth was recreated to honor "La cabina," considered the best horror film in the history of Spanish television.
Madrid, Spain

Relics of St. Valentine at Iglesia de San Antón

Inside this church are the alleged remains of the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Espejos del Callejón del Gato (Cat Alley Mirrors)

These distorting, funhouse mirrors achieved fame in a renowned piece of Spanish theater.
Madrid, Spain

La Casa de las Torrijas

Kingly French toast comes soaked in milk or red wine, then drizzled in a citrus-perfumed syrup.
Madrid, Spain

San Ginés Book Shop

This unassuming bookstore in the heart of Madrid is one of the oldest in Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Caja Madrid Obelisk

A towering monument in Spain has proven to be more labor-intensive than initially planned.
Madrid, Spain

Farmacia Juanse

A window into a long-lost world, these colorful tiles advertise a long-defunct range of purgative teas, harmless smokables, and diarrhea cures.
Madrid, Spain

Ermita de San Pelayo y San Isidoro (Hermitage of Saint Pelagius and Saint Isidore)

The remains of this misplaced church were moved here stone by stone.
Madrid, Spain

House of Beasts of Retiro Park

The remains of the second-oldest zoo in Europe can be seen within these library gardens.
Madrid, Spain

Museo de América

This fascinating and poignant museum chronicles every imaginable aspect of Spanish colonialism in the Americas.
Madrid, Spain

Moncloa Lighthouse

Inaugurated three times, this tower offers some of the best views of Madrid.
Madrid, Spain

The Bust of Pablo Iglesias Posse

Shrapnel, dynamite, bullets and Franco couldn't destroy this bust, rescued and kept hidden as a family secret for over 40 years.
Madrid, Spain

House of the Seven Chimneys

Known as the Casa de las Siete Chimeneas, this haunted 16th-century manor has a dark, mysterious past.
Cádiz, Spain

Cádiz Phoenician Anthropoid Sarcophagi

The discovery of these rare, ancient artifacts led to the creation of a new museum.
Seville, Spain

Yemas de San Leandro

Hidden behind a wall, Spanish nuns distribute their signature sweets on a revolving tray.
Seville, Spain

Casa de Pilatos (Pilate's House)

A 16th-century Andalusian palace.