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Sintra, Portugal

Pena National Palace

This unreal Portuguese palace looks as though it's made from a pile of different castles.
Lisbon, Portugal

Jerónimos Monastery

Elaborately carved to showcase the glorious wealth that the age of exploration brought to the Portuguese empire.
Lisbon, Portugal

National Coach Museum

An exquisite collection of fairytale conveyances that puts most car museums to shame.
Lisbon, Portugal

Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

One man's remarkable private collection of art from around the world.
Lisbon, Portugal

Church of Santa Engrácia

Portugal's National Pantheon has a history of curses, collapses and financial problems.
Lisbon, Portugal

History of Lisbon Mural

Hidden beneath a beautiful overlook you’ll find the history of the city depicted in comic strip format next to a pay toilet.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Bertrand

The world's oldest bookshop still in operation.
Lisbon, Portugal

Carmo Convent Ruins

Legacy of the earthquake that nearly wiped Lisbon off the face of the Earth.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Madrid, Spain

Tío Pepe Sign

For decades, Puerta del Sol has been illuminated by a giant, guitar-wielding bottle of sherry.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.
Madrid, Spain

'Día y Noche' (Day and Night)

A pair of gigantic baby heads greet passengers at Atocha Station.
Madrid, Spain

Ahuehuete del Buen Retiro ("El Abuelo")

One of Madrid's oldest trees, with a long and colorful history, resides in El Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.
Madrid, Spain

Atocha Station Tropical Garden

A lush indoor jungle fills this bustling Madrid transportation hub.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
Rome, Italy

Stumbling Stones of Rome

Brass cobblestones mark the places where individual Holocaust victims were taken from their homes.
Rome, Italy

Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio

More sculpture than building, this architecturally significant temple was built on the spot of Saint Peter's crucifixion.
Rome, Italy

St. Valentine's Skull

The skull of the patron saint of lovers lies in the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin—maybe.
Rome, Italy

The Mouth of Truth

The yawning maw of this pagan visage is said to bite off the hands of liars.
Rome, Italy

The Aventine Keyhole

Rome's semi-secret peephole vista is also a former Crusader stronghold.
Rome, Italy

Galleria Sciarra

This hidden Art Nouveau courtyard is an opulent feast for the eyes.