17 Places Every Cheese Lover Should Visit Before They Die - Atlas Obscura Lists

17 Places Every Cheese Lover Should Visit Before They Die

Ancient caves, theme parks, and other must-sees for fromage fans.

There’s something about cheese that elicits a kind of passion and loyalty unrivaled in the culinary world. That might be why people are willing to traverse mountains, wander through caves, and milk even the most mighty beasts, all in the pursuit of delicious dairy.

Beyond the storied, classic purveyors of Brie and burrata, however, there’s a vast network of adventurous cheesemakers and aficionados. Whether it’s a theme park devoted to all things cheese, a 22-million-year-old cave that ages Gruyere, or a monument celebrating a surprising cheesemaker, here are 13 places where fans can let their fromage-flag fly.