Located at the foot of Sierra del Moncayo in the province of Zaragoza, lies the abandoned remains of the tuberculosis Sanatorium of Agramonte.
Built in the 1920’s as a hotel for the wealthy to enjoy the areas national park, it was abandoned at the start of the Spanish Civil War in 1936.
The building was converted to a tuberculosis sanatorium, initially for poor women and children, by the Sisters of Charity of St Ana in 1939.
It operated as a sanatorium for 40 years before closing on 30 September 1978, due to the reduction in tuberculosis patients thanks to modern medicine.
Like many abandoned sanatoriums it is purportedly now occupied by the paranormal and mischievous vandals.
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September 20, 2011
- http://www.myetymology.com/encyclopedia/Antitubercular_sanatorium_of_Agramonte.html
- http://losmitosdedaniellefer.blogspot.com/2012/01/el-sanatorio-de-agramonte-el-sanatorio.html
- https://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatorio_Antituberculoso_de_Agramonte&prev=search
- http://www.touristeye.com/Agramonte-Tuberculosis-Sanatorium-p-704289
- Google Earth