In the center of Stockholm's Old Town, you can find a strange sign covered with Viking runes that leads down a staircase into a dark basement. Once inside, you'll encounter a hall with large, sheepskin-covered wooden benches and walls decorated with weapons, shields, and furs. Welcome to Aifur, a restaurant devoted to Viking food, drink, and decor.
Those who booked in advance will get announced by horn and receive a loud welcome from the other diners. When you sit down and look through the menu, you'll notice that each item is tied to Viking history and legend, with many dishes utilizing ingredients available during the Viking Age (800 to 1050 CE). Diners can feast on beautifully arranged meals featuring root vegetables, reindeer heart, and lamb, quenching their thirsts with mead, ales flavored with bog myrtle and fir, and sweet juices.
Aifur is the brain child of E-type, a famous musician in the Eurodance genre, who opened the restaurant in 2011. He can still be seen eating there regularly and generally likes being recognized. So don't feel bad walking up to talk to him.
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Know Before You Go
Make sure to book in advance if you want to book a seat here. You can generally walk in for the mead bar but depending on the season it might be necessary to book a month in advance for dinner.
February 21, 2019
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6CO12iE-SM
- http://aifur.se/
- https://ng.se/recensioner/krog/aifur
- http://stockholmtourist.blogspot.com/2012/07/restaurant-aifur.html
- https://books.google.com/books?id=CW6_DAAAQBAJ&pg=PA40&dq=viking+diet+sweden&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil_dmOhs7gAhVMm-AKHRsFBuwQ6AEINDAC#v=onepage&q=viking%20diet%20sweden&f=false
- https://www.ribevikingecenter.dk/en/learn-more/food.aspx
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBxBOR5Iq5I
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBxBOR5Iq5I