This installation on the parking lot near a beach in Falsterbo in southern Sweden showcases some of the trash left by the previous year's visitors.
'Badaren - Spår av Mänsklighet' is an installation by artist Jasmine Cederqvist. It features nearly 200 chairs and parasols, along with almost four cubic meters of trash left on the nearby beaches during the summer of 2019.
The installation serves as a reminder of the impact a single individual's irresponsible actions can have on the environment. Every single step of the lifecycle of the goods, from manufacturing to shipping and destruction, leaves an environmental impact.
The installation is in a parking lot near one of Falsterbo's beaches.
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May 18, 2022
- https://vellinge.se/nyhetsarkiv/2020/06/invigning-av-badaren/
- https://vellinge.com/nyheter/11402/container-med-skr-p-har-blivit-konstverk-i-falsterbo
- https://www.jasminecederqvist.se/commissioned/badaren-sp%C3%A5r-av-m%C3%A4nsklighet-scene-of-anthropocene-45361789
- https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/7503158