In case any passersby were curious what awaited them inside the Bibliotheque Mejanes, the three colossal books that make up the library's facade should help take some of the mystery out of it.
The Bibliotheque Mejanes was originally founded in 1810 and was located in the town hall of the provincial city of Aix. Since 1989 it has formed part of the Cite du Livre complex built into a former match factory. Incorporating a number of research institutes, as well as fulfilling the function of a public library, its most striking aspect is its architectural frontage, which takes the form of three giant-sized books: Albert Camus's L'Etranger (The Outsider/The Stranger), Antoine de Saint-Exupery's Little Prince, and the writings of Moliere. There may be no library in the world that caters to BIG readers quite so directly.
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September 24, 2013