The Brady Bunch first aired on September 26, 1969, and ran until March 8, 1974. It was based on a blended family with Carol Martin Brady having three girls, and Mike Brady having three sons. The family also had a live-in maid named Alice Nelson, whose character was a major part of the show's success and appeal. Notable cameos during the show's run included Davy Jones, Don Drysdale, Jim Backus (Mr. Howell), Joe Namath, Don Ho, Vincent Price, Marion Ross, Ken Berry, Wes Parker, and Desi Arnaz Jr.
Harry M. Londelius designed the home in 1959 with two bedrooms and three bathrooms. The house was chosen for the show because Sherwood Schwartz, the mastermind behind Gilligan's Island, believed it resembled a house an architect would call home, which was Mike Brady's profession. The house is often referred to as "the second most photographed house in the country."
The home underwent a massive restoration effort that returned it to its 1970s glory. The project was undertaken by HGTV and was completed in 2019. Visitors are more than welcome to take photos of the house from the sidewalk.
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January 13, 2021