Gheorghe Dinca is considered one of the most dangerous murderers in the history of Romania. His crimes shocked the entire country. He pickep-up at least two teenagers that were hitch-hiking, then he kidnapped, raped and killed them, most probably burning the remaining bodies. The investigation is yet to bring to light many more creepy details or even more victims.
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- https://www.cancan.ro/ascunde-gheorghe-dinca-mai-multe-crime-e-un-pradator-sexual-20040230
- https://www.cancan.ro/infiorator-ce-au-gasit-astazi-anchetatorii-in-curtea-lui-gheorghe-dinca-20039684
- https://www.prosport.ro/fotbal-intern/diverse/a-scapat-gheorghe-dinca-de-trupul-alexandrei-macesanu-prin-metoda-mafiei-mexicane-18261744