An alien has landed in a parking garage in Covington, Kentucky. But have no fear: This otherworldly creature is a friendly fellow. You can call him Clive.
A Squizzle from the galaxy Artalon, Clive is mischievous, a real prankster, and he loves to explore. From Covington’s Midtown Parking Garage, we’ve spotted him examining the brains—nothing sinister here—of Covington’s creative residents and visitors alike with a massive magnifying glass.
The fiberglass-and-Styrofoam sculpture was crafted by Marc Phelps, an artist with AlloyFX, who also creates installations for Burning Man.
The Cincinnati region is steeped in alien and UFO culture. The Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, is a half-century old international research organization based in the Cincinnati area that investigates UFO sightings all over the world.
Also nearby is the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which, as the story goes, is said to have housed the notorious 1940s alien craft that landed in Roswell, New Mexico. A History Channel special even dug into the base’s otherworldly past. Famed “ufologist” Leonard Stringfield also lived in Cincinnati.
The area has become a hotbed of not only alien activity, but interesting art, resulting in BLINK, a free biennial art festival in the region that has been called the “nation's largest light, art and projection mapping experience.”
The community is rallying around Clive, too. To celebrate his recent arrival, Braxton Brewing Co. crafted a limited-edition beer inspired by the alien’s key-lime complexion.
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November 30, 2023
- https://www.history.com/news/hangar-18-ufos-aliens-wright-patterson
- https://www.covingtonky.gov/about/public-art
- https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/wright-patterson-name-dropped-in-congressional-hearing-on-uaps/VSSTHW2AKZGOBHNMRMZO3VCIYI/
- https://mufon.com/history/
- https://nkytribune.com/2023/09/attention-earthlings-clive-the-alien-and-public-art-creation-has-come-to-covington-hell-be-watching/#:~:text=Clive%20is%20just%20one%20of,racks%2C%20walls%20of%20buildings%2C%20etc