Look around you, if you are in a Lower East Side pop-up shop, it's probably some time during the day, on an average weekday. If there happens to be a lanky model strutting her stuff in front of you, you may just have stumbled upon the latest iteration of Grand Opening.
The store and event space was created by two Canadian brothers, Ben and Hall Smyth and for the last few years been a surprising institution in the City. The store began gaining a hold on the community when it became a ping pong club called Pong 1.0.Following its success, it has changed faces every three or so months, morphing between kitschy entertainment and trendy art exhibition.
Check the schedule and pop by for a unique retail experience.
Update 2017: The store is no longer there. There's a barber shop under construction on one side of the door and what looks like an office on the other.
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Accessible from J,M,Z Train at Essex Street Station and F Train at Delancey Street Station
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February 21, 2012