Le Manège de Petit Pierre in La Fabuloserie Museum – Dicy, France - Atlas Obscura

Le Manège de Petit Pierre in La Fabuloserie Museum

Dicy, France

A small world of mechanical magic and metal merry-go-rounds in a Outsider art Museum. 


In the little village of Dicy, France, a cow herder named Pierre Avezard, less formally known as “Petit Pierre”, built an array of mechanical constructions.

The focal point of his creations is a large merry-go-round in the middle of the metal madness. This carnival-esque attraction is fully functioning and carries little metal passengers in the forms of animals, people, buses, trains, and airplanes - all of which circle around wires and tracks at the turn of switch. This entire construct is automated and is controlled by signal boxes that Pierre had built himself.

What is most impressive is the dedication, as well as the lack of formal education that went into creating this project. Being a farmer for most of his life, Pierre spent little time in school and a lot of time working on his metal projects. He began working on this bizarre miniature wonderland in 1937 and did not finish until 1974. 

In 1982 , the Manege was saved from destruction by Alain Bourbonnais, artist and collector, his wife and some others , who disassembled , moved and restored the structure in the garden of a place which a year after would become La Fabuloserie.The peculiar museum Bourbonnais opened to display his vast personal collection of Outsider Art is still open in the summer , offering to Petit Pierre’s Manage a second life.

Know Before You Go

La Fabuloserie - Bourbonnais
1 Rue des Canes
89120 Dicy
Tel : 03 86 63 64 21

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January 18, 2012

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