This is an abandoned mental hospital. Most of the buildings have been reused, but the administration building has been left to deteriorate. It's pretty surprising when you drive around the turn to see it.
In the full wiki article
Wiki summary:
"The Metropolitan State Hospital was an American public hospital for the mentally ill, on grounds that extended across parts of Waltham, Lexington, and Belmont, Massachusetts. Founded in 1927, it was at one time the largest and most modern facility of its type in Massachusetts.[2] It was closed in January 1992 as a result of the state's cost-cutting policy of closing its mental hospitals and moving patients into private and community-based settings. The main complex of buildings has subsequently been redeveloped into apartments. The hospital campus was listed on the National Register of Historic Places 1994. The property also housed the Gaebler Children's Center for mentally ill youth."
Know Before You Go
There is parking right in front.