The Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de La Castellana only contains 17 pieces on display but it's uniquely located under a bridge.
Artist Eusebio Sempere decided to recreate the area under the bridge as a place for residents to enjoy contemporary art. The Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de La Castellana was eventually inaugurated in 1979.
This open-air sculpture museum serves as a captivating fusion of art and urban environment, offering visitors a unique opportunity to engage with monumental works of contemporary Spanish sculptors in a public setting. Its location along the bustling Paseo de la Castellana transforms the city's streets into an artistic promenade, democratizing access to art and fostering a sense of communal appreciation for sculptures.
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Know Before You Go
This is how you can reach the museum which is open 24/7 and is, of course, free of charge Metro stop: Rubén Darío (Line 5) Buses 5, 7, 9, 14, 16, 19, 27, 40, 45, 51, 61, 147, 150 Railway stop: Madrid-recoletos
March 25, 2024
- https://saposyprincesas.elmundo.es/actividades-ninos/madrid/cultura/museos/museo-de-escultura-al-aire-libre/
- https://www.miradormadrid.com/museo-de-escultura-al-aire-libre/
- https://museomadrid.com/museo-de-escultura-al-aire-libre-de-la-castellana/
- https://www.madrid.es/portales/munimadrid/es/Inicio/Cultura-ocio-y-deporte/Museos-Municipales/Museo-4/Museo-de-Escultura-al-Aire-Libre-de-La-Castellana/?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid=252434f3409ab010VgnVCM100000d90ca8c0RCRD&vgnextchannel=c1942bc7d9218610VgnVCM2000001f4a900aRCRD