A 200-year-old mustard mill is the centerpiece at a museum devoted to one of Germany's favorite condiments. While Cologne may be more famous for its towering Gothic cathedral or refreshing glasses of kölsch, it's also home to the Senfmuseum (mustard museum).
The museum highlights great mustard moments in history, from Julius Caesar bringing seeds across Europe to Pliny the Elder proposing its health benefits. Visitors can watch history come alive as employees use a restored mill dating back to 1810 to produce an array of cold-ground mustards, including a moderately spicy recipe from 1820 as well as garlic, honey, and cayenne varieties.
The museum also works mustard into other delectable forms. There are fruity spreads—from a honey-mustard fig chutney to a sweet jam of apples and Riesling-based senf—and even a mustard-based herb liqueur.
The museum's enthusiastic mustard-loving staff lead tours where they demonstrate the proper method to make senf and provide a few samples.
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Know Before You Go
It's located opposite the chocolate museum. For those who can't make it to Cologne, there's a twin museum and mill in Cochem.
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December 30, 2019
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- https://www.senfmuehle.net/wp-content/uploads/Senfm_KOELN_Prospekt_GB_18_10.pdf