Inaugurated on December 12, 1997, this post office sits inside a small tin house on the banks of the Beagle Channel. The walls are decorated with stamps and stickers left behind by travelers who made it here to the southernmost post office in South America. Navigators and adventurers stopped here to send signs of life to their loved ones. Improvements in communications reduced the usefulness of this service until it became a unique tourist attraction. Today you can still send postcards to wherever from here, for a small fee.
The only place further south where you can send or receive mail is the Antarctic Exploration Museum & Post Office on Goudier Island in Antarctica.
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Know Before You Go
The post office is located within the Parque Nacional de Tierra del Fuego in Bahía Ensenada. Be sure to have an exact address and postal code if you wish to send a postcard.
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July 2, 2024