Sticking straight up out of the public green in Warren, New Hampshire the decommissioned Redstone Missile remembers the iconic ballistic's historical significance.
Installed in 1971, the empty missile was donated to the town after the line as a whole had been discontinued in favor or newer technology. However, the Redstone's importance to the history of rocketry and warfare should not be underestimated. Developed by Werner von Braun himself, the Redstone missile came to be known as the "Army's Workhorse" as it was useful not just for a number of military applications, but of ballistic uses as well. The model has the distinction of carrying the first live nuclear warhead during two tests over the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the Redstone model of missile was used as the booster that delivered Alan Shepard, the first American in space, on his brief sub-orbital trip.
The Redstone line of missiles was discontinued by 1964, but remained in limited use elsewhere in the world. The Redstone Rocket in Warren was installed to honor Mercury Seven Astronaut Alan Shepard, who was born in Derry, New Hampshire. It may seem like a strange monument to plant in a public park, but it can also be considered akin to installing old Civil War cannons in similar displays.
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April 1, 2014