Sculpted Face on Shore – Nisi, Greece - Atlas Obscura

Sculpted Face on Shore

Nisi, Greece

Poseidon? No one seems to know. 

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About two kilometers north of Aegina (the harbor town), down beside the coast road, is a boulder sculpted to look like a face emerging from the sea. Poseidon? You can’t quite see it from the road, but it’s visible by looking down from the road’s edge. Nobody seems to know who did it, or when.

Update October 2018: There have been reports that the face has been damaged by water erosion.

Know Before You Go

The address shown here isn't right. The road is Leof. Nikos Kazantzakis, near the northwest corner of the island. The sculpture is not far from the museum dedicated to the sculptor Christos Kapralos, which is identifiable by the huge statue of his mother. But Kapralos apparently didn't do this piece.

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August 12, 2016

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