The Selfie Devil – Segovia, Spain - Atlas Obscura

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.  

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The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia is one of the city’s greatest historical treasures. According to local legend, the aqueduct wasn’t a feat accomplished by the great empire, but instead by the devil himself. 

According to folklore, a young girl tired of walking up the steep city streets to fill her pail with water every morning struck a deal with the devil. In exchange for her soul, he would construct the aqueduct before the cockerel crowed the following morning. However, the devil lost leaving behind the aqueduct.

This comedic art piece did stir up controversy across Segovia. Residents felt it was inappropriate and illustrated satan in a jovial light. 

Know Before You Go

The statue is just a short walk away from the aqueduct. Take the road that leads up from the roundabout. Its about 100m along there.

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July 14, 2019

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