The world’s longest Cuban cigar is tucked within a semi-secret exhibit inside the Morro Castle Historic Park. The enormous, hand-rolled item is the work of master cigar roller Jose Castelar Cairo, locally known as "Cueto."
Cueto is no ordinary cigar roller—before creating this behemoth of a smoke, the Cuban master had set four previous world records. His first attempt was in April of 2001 with a cigar measuring about 36 feet. In May of 2003, he rolled a roughly 49-foot-long cigar, followed by about a 70-foot record in April of 2005.
Cueto became a living legend in Havana, Cuba. On May 3, 2011 he rolled set a Guinness World Record recorded with a monster cigar measuring 268 feet. As if that was not long enough, Cueto decided to break his own record in 2016 by rolling a colossal, roughly 295-foot "Habano," which he dedicated to Fidel Castro
It's quite hard to comprehend the length of the cigar when you enter the room it's held within. A very realistic wax statue of Cueto is also displayed and accessible to all for pictures at the cigar shop next to the exhibit.
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Know Before You Go
Note that this cigar exhibit might not be always open. There is a cigar shop inside the Morro Castle with Cueto's statue, but the actual cigar is behind a glass case in the room next door. If you go with a local or a tour guide, they might be able to talk to the cigar shop management to open the exhibit for a quick picture.
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May 7, 2019
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/11/worlds-longest-cigar-set-to-be-rolled-in-cuba--and-its-enormous/
- http://www.lahabana.com/content/worlds-longest-cigar-cuba/
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cuba-cigar/long-life-very-long-cigar-cuban-dedicates-a-monster-smoke-to-fidel-castro-idUSKCN10N23W