wojtekmma88's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Peterlee, England
Tewkesbury, England

Victoria Woodhull Memorial

An English cenotaph honoring an American feminist icon.
Peterlee, England

Devil's Lapstone

This moss-covered boulder is said to be part of a diabolical plant to sabotage the Durham Cathedral's foundation.
York, England

Shrine of Saint Margaret Clitherow

A shrine to one of England's female saints in what is believed to be her former home.
York, England

Hob Moor and Plague Stones

When the plague struck York, this stone was used to leave supplies for the sick.
Helsinki, Finland

Asemapäällikönhovi Building

This building featuring Brutalist architecture has a rich media production history.
Helsinki, Finland

Götan Maailma

A lovingly curated curio shop in which the taxidermy wear newspaper party hats, and peanut shells are spread across every surface.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Great Light

One of the largest lenses of its kind ever created, this former ship beacon has been brought down to Earth.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Police Museum

This hidden museum examines the complex history of the country's law enforcement.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

St. George's Market

The last Victorian market in Belfast.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast Peace Lines

These barriers stand as stark reminders of Northern Ireland's troubled past.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Albert Memorial Clock

This massive monument has been telling the time for 150 years—at a slight angle.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

C.S. Lewis Square

Step into Narnia at this small park featuring statues from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
York, England

The Snickelways of York

This network of narrow, medieval passages has the most delightful name.
Palermo, Italy

Qanat di Palermo

A network of underground water channels that dates back to the Middle Ages.
Palermo, Italy

Cappella Palatina

Every inch of this chapel is covered in craftsmanship from across the world.
Goght, Armenia

Geghard Monastery

This Armenian monastery was carved out of cliffs and named after the spear used to stab Jesus.
Wiltshire, England

Hackpen White Horse

England's only square-dimension hill horse was built to celebrate Queen Victoria's coronation.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
Dorset, England

The Scout Stone

This commemorative stone was erected near the first Scout campsite.
Lyme Regis, England

Lyme Regis Museum

A local museum honors the overlooked discoveries of Mary Anning, one of the first professional fossil hunters.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Tolbooth Tavern

Now home to a drinking establishment, this building has a macabre history.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witches' Well

The fountain marks the area where hundreds of accused witches were burned at the stake.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.