oliverreeddaunter's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Aramu Muru

An abandoned Incan construction project left behind a mysterious "doorway."
Copacabana, Bolivia

Iñaq Uyu (House of the Virgins of the Sun)

An ancient Incan convent on Lake Titicaca's Island of the Moon.
Comunidad Challapampa, Bolivia

Chincana Ruins

Mysterious Incan ruins on a tiny island in Lake Titicaca.
Copacabana, Bolivia

Horca del Inca

Astronomical observatory above Lake Titicaca.
La Paz, Bolivia

Museo de la Coca

Museum dedicated to the sacred leaf of the Andes.
La Paz, Bolivia

Bolivia's Witch Market

Popular tourist destination where witches in dark hats sell dried llama fetuses for good luck.
El Alto, Bolivia

Ernesto Che Guevara Statue

This likeness of the famous revolutionary is entirely made of recycled scraps of metal.
La Paz, Bolivia

Cholita Wrestling

The celebrity luchadores of La Paz are tough ladies in traditional petticoats and braids.
La Paz, Bolivia

Mi Teleférico

The soaring gondola lines form the longest aerial cable car system in the world.
La Paz, Bolivia

Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon)

A valley of unique erosion patterns lends to a view like nothing on Earth.
La Paz, Bolivia

Valle de las Animas

Bolivia's needle-like rock formations.
Nor Yungas, Bolivia

North Yungas Road

Death road of Bolivia.
Oruro, Bolivia

Carnaval de Oruro

This devil-dancing ceremony now celebrates a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary that appeared to a modern-day Robin Hood in a mineshaft.
Daniel Campos, Bolivia

Uyuni Salt Flat

A seemingly endless landscape of pure salt stretches far across Bolivia.
Sur Lípez, Bolivia

Laguna Colorada

This red lake 4,000 meters above sea level is home to rare flamingos.
Sur Lípez, Bolivia

Salvador Dalí Desert

A desert that evokes the surreal.

Laguna Verde

This lake’s emerald green waters are a spectacular sight, but it’s not a great place for a swim.
Cachi, Argentina

Ovnipuerto Cachi

A Swiss man built this airstrip for aliens because a UFO captain telepathically told him to.
Cafayate, Argentina

Strange House

Visit this odd display of indigenous style in Argentine wine country.
Tafí del Valle Department, Argentina

Tafí del Valle Menhires

Mysterious and ancient carved standing stones.
Ichigualasto, Argentina


Massive rock sculptures formed during the time of the dinosaurs still stand undisturbed.
Las Heras Department, Argentina

Thermal Baths of Villavicencio

Mineral springs believed to hold therapeutic properties draw in visitors from all over.
Laguna Diamante, Argentina

Laguna del Diamante

A toxic lake near a volcanic caldera that is home to flamingos and other life.

Mysterious Ruins

Are they the remains of a fallen hotel, or the final stronghold for escaped Nazis?