johnkingsbury17's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Quincy, Massachusetts

Spectacle Island

Solar powered Spectacle Island features all-green facilities.
Quincy, Massachusetts

First Dunkin' Donuts

This small shop walked so America could run on Dunkin'.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Adams National Historical Park

The homestead of American patriot John Adams.
Quincy, Massachusetts

Quincy Quarries

From economic backbone of a community to deadly diving hole, these former stone quarries are now a park for rock climbers and graffiti artists.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge

This bridge was the birthplace of a unit of measurement based on a fraternity joke.
Boston, Massachusetts

Kelleher Rose Garden

One of the now-less-hidden floral gems of the "Emerald Necklace."
Boston, Massachusetts

Berkeley Weather Beacon

A beacon atop a downtown building provides Bostonians with weather forecasts and baseball news.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Hotel Buckminster

This hotel was the site of major events in sports and radio history. It was also used as a detention center during World War II.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Last Tenement

The last remaining 19th-century tenement from Boston's old West End neighborhood.
Boston, Massachusetts

St. Stephen's Church

A centuries-old church stands as a testament to Boston's "father of architecture."
Boston, Massachusetts

North End "Peninsula"

What was once a true peninsula has now been filled in, causing the water to recede and leaving many streetside "waterfronts" and landlocked "islands."
Boston, Massachusetts

Rainbow Swash

The world's largest piece of copyrighted artwork.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Great Brinks Robbery

This parking garage was the site of what was - at the time - the largest cash robbery in history.
Boston, Massachusetts

New England Holocaust Memorial

Millions of numbers carved in glass represent the tattoos forced upon victims.
Boston, Massachusetts

Ireland Unfree Will Never Be At Peace Mural

One of the few remaining monuments dedicated to South Boston's Irish heritage.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Boston, Massachusetts

98 Prince Street

The infamous Boston Mob ran rackets from an office here in the 1970s.
Boston, Massachusetts

The First Church of Christ, Scientist

This impressive Boston holy house is the American mecca for Christian scientists.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Liberty Tree

The former site of an all-but-forgotten colonial landmark is now remembered by an often overlooked bas relief.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of St. Anthony's Feast

Each August, one of the largest religious (and food) celebrations in the country is held in Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Memorial for Boston Light Keepers

Tragedy on Little Brewster Island memorialized.
Boston, Massachusetts

Creek Square

This historic patch of real estate offers a glimpse of colonial Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts

Union Oyster House

This nearly 200-year-old restaurant's history includes an exiled French prince, JFK, and a very hungry Daniel Webster.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston's First Street

Historic Hull Street was actually the first street with a proper name in the Boston area.