tjwman98's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Seattle, Washington

Connections Museum

This Seattle museum displays the history of the telephone through an impressive collection of telecom equipment.
Winthrop, Washington

Barron Ghost Town

Hundreds of hopeful gold miners came here to get rich, but only two years later the small town was deserted.
La Push, Washington

Rialto Beach Tree Graveyard

Shoreline strewn with the remains of ghostly fallen trees.
Seattle, Washington

Freeway Park

The first park built over a freeway is a brutalist masterwork.
Seattle, Washington

Union Station

Though strikingly beautiful, Seattle's other railway station is now largely forgotten.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Pinball Museum

Couple's personal collection of pinball machines turned public pinball museum.
Portland, Oregon

Bart Simpson Etching

Forever immortalized in concrete, this Simpsons etching was crafted by show creator Matt Groening.
Maupin, Oregon

White River Falls

An out-of-the-way state park in Oregon that features both a picturesque waterfall and the ruins of a hydropower plant.
McKenzie Bridge, Oregon

Sahalie Falls

Rushing water plunges over a 100-foot drop created by an ancient lava flow at this majestic waterfall.
Klamath County, Oregon

Japanese Balloon Bomb Memorial

The victims of a free-floating Japanese bombing during WWII are remembered by this stone monument.
Eugene, Oregon

Epic Seconds

Journey through a bit of nostalgia inside this classic record and video store.
Bend, Oregon

Bend Blockbuster Video

The world's last remaining store of its kind.
Lane County, Oregon

Dee Wright Observatory

While it is not equipped to peer into outer space this observatory looks like it was built on the moon.
Klamath Falls, Oregon

Old Fort Road Gravity Hill

This strange hill on Old Fort Road where gravity works in reverse has been fascinating locals for years.
Portland, Oregon

Casa Diablo Vegan Strip Club

Is this the most Portland place ever?
Bend, Oregon

Lava River Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in Oregon.
Crater Lake, Oregon

Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States, and once the site of epic destruction that lives on in legends.
Portland, Oregon

The Witch's Castle

These old stone ruins in the Oregon wilderness were once bathrooms and are steeped in legends of murder.