aprilmartin03's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls

The mysterious wonder of an underground waterfall is illuminated by multicolored lights.
New York, New York

The Cross at Ground Zero

Pulled from the rubble of one of the worst modern tragedies, a steel crossbeam became a symbol of hope for New Yorkers.
New York, New York

Survivor Tree

The last living thing to come out of the rubble after 9/11 is now a symbol of hope and resilience.
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.
New York, New York

Museum of Sex

A semi-scholarly approach to sex.
Hope, New Jersey

Jenny Jump State Forest

Local lore claims this park is named after a young woman who jumped off a cliff.
St. Augustine, Florida

Treasury Street

St. Augustine's record-setting narrow street was designed to protect against pirates.
St. Augustine, Florida

Pirate & Treasure Museum

Arrr! The most authentic collection of pirate artifacts in the world... matey.
Port Orange, Florida

The Last Resort Bar

Where serial killer Aileen Wuornos drank her last beer.
Tuscumbia, Alabama

Helen Keller's Water Pump

Underneath this water pump, Annie Sullivan helped Keller speak her first words.
Rock Stone Pond, Belize


An important Mayan religious and trading center dating back to 200 BC.
Washington, D.C.

Washington Monument Marble Stripe

Look closely and you’ll notice that the color changes a third of the way up the tower.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Building Tunnel System

Members of Congress have traveled between the buildings on Capitol Hill for a century hidden from tourists, press, and storm clouds.
Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Center Point

A little marble compass above George Washington's (empty) tomb in the Capitol marks where D.C.'s four quadrants intersect.
Washington, D.C.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Largest Roman Catholic church in North America.
Washington, D.C.

Space Window at the Washington National Cathedral

A tiny piece of the Moon is embedded in this stained glass masterpiece.
Washington, D.C.

International Spy Museum

Home to items never before seen by the public.
Cherokee, North Carolina

Unto These Hills Cherokee Theatre

Some North Carolina Cherokee have been keeping their history alive for decades with a single play.
Sylva, North Carolina

The Fugitive Train Wreck

The remains of the iconic train crash from the movie 'The Fugitive' can still be found rusting along the Great Smoky Railroad.
Leslie, Georgia

Georgia Rural Telephone Museum

Oldest and rarest examples of telecommunication in the world.
Americus, Georgia

Habitat for Humanity's Global Village & Discovery Center

permanently closed
HFH's slum simulation is either a noble recreation of poverty or a cringeworthy attempt at same.
Andersonville, Georgia

Andersonville National Historic Site

The site of the notorious Camp Sumter Prison is now a peaceful memorial.
Mountain City, Georgia

Foxfire Museum

Where you can experience the story of Appalachia, as told by Appalachians.
Robins Air Force Base, Georgia

Museum of Aviation

A fascinating aviation museum where you can chat with the veterans who once flew the aircraft on display.