frisbeebiscuit's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Carsten Höller Slide

Three-story slide through the New Museum.
New York, New York

New York City Fire Museum

A museum collection honoring the long history of the FDNY is held in a disused Manhattan fire house.
New York, New York

Electric Lady Studios

Jimi Hendrix's legendary recording studio in Greenwich Village.
New York, New York

IFC Center Peephole

The best way to get a sneak peek at the movies.
New York, New York

Relics of the IRT 14th Street-Union Square Subway Local Platform

Red frames showcase remnants of one of New York's original subway stations.
New York, New York

The Weathermen Townhouse Explosion

A strangely angled West Village home is the only monument to an explosion that took the lives of three American revolutionaries.
New York, New York

Jacques Derrida's Favorite Banana Bread

The French deconstructionist had a weakness for baked goods.
New York, New York

The "Irving House"

Nope, not Washington Irving's house.
Brooklyn, New York

Vinegar Hill

Walk into the 19th century without leaving Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, New York

Commandant's House

This impressive mansion in Vinegar Hill has some mysterious details in its architecture.
New York, New York

Site of the Beach Pneumatic Subway

Visit the site of a subway powered by nothing more than air--and lots of it.
New York, New York

American Numismatic Society

Play heads or tails with thousands of different coins.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

14th Street-Union Square Moving Platforms

The only subway station in the city that still makes use of gap fillers.
New York, New York

Tunnel Number 3

Deep under Manhattan is the largest construction project in city history. So far, the project has taken the lives of 23 workers, or "a man a mile."
New York, New York

Caffe Reggio

Sip a cappuccino in the historic cafe that introduced them to the United States.
New York, New York

Aretha Franklin Subway Tributes

A touching tribute to the "Queen of Soul."
New York, New York

The 'Ghostbusters' Firehouse

Try not to get slimed in Tribeca.
New York, New York

Long Lines Building

An uber-secure, windowless tower of doom in the center of Manhattan is an NSA spyscraper.
New York, New York

Antonín Dvořák's Home

The place where Dvořák composed some of his most famous works.
New York, New York

City Hall Library

An accidentally hidden library containing the ephemeral history of New York.
New York, New York

African Burial Ground National Monument

This memorial honors thousands of enslaved Africans and their descendants who died in colonial New York.
New York, New York

The Village Gate Sign

The former sign of this immortal music venue is just that--undying.
New York, New York

The Sugar House Prison Window

An odd, ancient window that may have once been part of a brutal prison is embedded in the side of New York's Police Plaza.