ladyclegane eb44b279's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Orlando, Florida

The Disney Collection

An unassuming corner inside downtown Orlando's library offers a whole new world of the park and its history.
San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

An extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts and mummies.
San Francisco, California

Beat Museum

A collection of memorabilia from the Beat era in the back of a San Francisco bookstore.
San Francisco, California

Aria Antiques

A whimsical antique shop with a strong air of mystery, filled with items from ages, and what feels like worlds, past.
San Francisco, California

The Shipwrecks at Land's End

A 300-ship graveyard, with a few still visible at low tide.
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.
San Jose, California

The San Carlos Street Lantern Relay

Eight huge lanterns lining a city street can change color on command.
San Jose, California

Sonic Runway

At night, this glittering musical tunnel draws skaters and photographers.
Monterey, California

Point Sur Lightstation

Life in this isolated, hilltop lighthouse was lonely, but it sure was lovely.
San Jose, California

The Center of Santa Clara Valley

A mysterious monument covered in a binary code marks the heart of tech.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Mystery Spot

A "gravitational anomaly" located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California.
Santa Cruz, California

Court of Mysteries

A strange house built only at night, with rumored mystic inspiration.
Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz Surfing Museum

Housed in a memorial lighthouse, this museum relays the history of surfing, beginning with the antics of royal Hawaiian teenagers.
Moss Landing, California

Elkhorn Slough

More than 700 species live within this murky marvel of a swamp on California's coast.
Salinas, California

The Steinbeck House Restaurant

Eat a tasty meal in the house where John Steinbeck was born.
Salinas, California

Fort Ord

Once America’s most beautiful army base, this abandoned military fort on the coast of Monterey Bay has been left to the elements.
Pebble Beach, California

Lone Cypress

This lonesome Monterey cypress has survived centuries of wind, salt, and at least one attempt at arson.
Del Monte Forest, California

Ghost Trees of Pescadero Point

Haunting and beautiful trees, doomed to die.
Pacific Grove, California

Kissing Rock

Two rocks in a perpetual kiss and one of "the most romantic spot in America."
Pacific Grove, California

Monarch Grove Sanctuary

Every year, over 25,000 monarchs overwinter in Pacific Grove.
Pacific Grove, California

Pacific Grove Butterfly House

Hopeless romantics will swoon over the sweet story behind this bright and colorful home.
Monterey, California

Monterey's Moon Tree

A tree grown from astronaut seeds which were exposed to cosmic rays.
Pacifica, California

Linda Mar Taco Bell

The most beautiful Taco Bell in the world even has surfboard parking.