moonlitshadow77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Matsumoto, Japan

Nawate Dori

This small Japanese street is lined with figures, sculptures and a shrine dedicated to frogs.
Kyoto, Japan

Minatoya Yurei Kosodate-Ame Honpo

Legend has it that centuries ago, a ghost once frequented this candy shop to feed her still-living baby.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokudō Chin’nōji Temple

It is believed that this Buddhist temple stands right on the gateway to the underworld.
Matsumoto, Japan

Yohashira-jinja Shrine

This traditional Japanese shrine is dedicated to four Shinto deities.
Sodegaura, Japan

Tokyo German Village

This theme park is not in Tokyo, not especially German, and certainly not a village.
Kyoto, Japan

Kamo River Turtle Stepping Stones

These turtle-shaped concrete stepping stones provide a unique river crossing in central Kyoto.
Tokyo, Japan


This cozy café is housed in a repurposed pharmacy originally built in 1927.
Tokyo, Japan

Takao Inari Shrine

A unique shrine dedicated to the deified skull of a 17th-century Tokyo courtesan.
Kyoto, Japan

Statue of Izumo-no-Okuni

The groundbreaking Japanese shrine maiden who invented the art of kabuki.
Oga, Japan

Godzilla Rock

A natural resemblance of the monster of film lore.
Toyohashi, Japan

Mount Ishimaki

A long-worshipped mountain, considered a "power spot" and suspected to be an ancient pyramid by some.
Osaka, Japan

Radium Onsen

This bathhouse includes an option to soak in radioactive water.
Dazaifu, Japan

Starbucks Dazaifu Tenmangu Omote-Sando

This is no ordinary coffee chain outlet—it's an architectural masterpiece.
Joso, Japan

Honeybee Drinking Fountain

Every summer, this shrine sets up a tiny drinking fountain reserved for thirsty apians.
Fukuoka, Japan

Japan’s First Tea Tree

In the oldest zen temple stands a descendant of the very tree that introduced tea to Japanese culture.
Tokamachi, Japan

Kiyotsu Gorge 'Tunnel of Light'

There's light and a dreamlike panorama at the end of this tunnel.
Yoichi, Japan

Fugoppe Cave Petroglyphs

One of the only two archaeological sites in Japan to feature petroglyphs, which some believe to be a long-lost writing system of the gods.
Fukuoka, Japan

Golden Frog of Hakata Station

It is rumored that if you spot this little golden frog hiding in plain sight, good luck will come your way.
Kyoto, Japan

Ichijo Modoribashi Bridge

The “bridge of return” is haunted by a myriad of legends, from ghosts to demons to nuptial superstitions.
Kobe, Japan

Port of Kobe Earthquake Memorial Park

This massive section of quay destroyed by an earthquake is preserved to remember the past.
Tokyo, Japan

Takagi Shrine

Rice balls symbolize fate and relationship at this adorable shrine, which was once dedicated to the Buddhist Devil.
Itakura, Japan

Thousand-Armed Insect Goddess of Mercy

A bizarre statue of a Buddhist goddess made from 20,000 insects.
Kawagoe, Japan

Five Hundred Arhats

Hundreds of statues of Buddha’s disciples meditating, napping, sneezing, and picking their noses.
Otaru, Japan

Kitaichi Hall

A gorgeous, nostalgic café housed in a lofty old warehouse, lit only by petroleum lamps.