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Lima, Peru

Mercado de Brujas

A market for witches is hidden within a train station.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Lima, Peru

Cripta de los Héroes

The elaborate crypt where Peruvian heroes of the War of the Pacific were laid to rest.
Lima, Peru

The Room of 10,000 Ancient Skulls

Lima’s Museum of Anthropology is lined with thousands of elongated human craniums.
Lima, Peru

Fortaleza del Real Felipe

Haunted by its violent past, this colonial bastion was the largest Spanish military installation in the Americas.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Lisbon, Portugal

National Coach Museum

An exquisite collection of fairytale conveyances that puts most car museums to shame.
Lisbon, Portugal

Preserved Head of Diogo Alves

An early Portuguese serial killer's head is alarmingly well preserved in a jar at the University of Lisbon.
Porto, Portugal

McDonald's Imperial

This restored Portuguese cafe may well be the most beautiful place in the world to grab a Big Mac.
Porto, Portugal

Igreja de São Francisco

The stunning interior of this Gothic church is covered in ornate gold details.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Évora, Portugal

Portugal's Chapel of Bones

A 16th century chapel decorated with bones, skulls, and entire bodies hanging from the wall.
Sintra, Portugal

Pena National Palace

This unreal Portuguese palace looks as though it's made from a pile of different castles.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Bertrand

The world's oldest bookshop still in operation.
Porto, Portugal

Livraria Lello

One of the most beautiful bookstores in the world hides a neo-Gothic interior behind an art nouveau facade.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Parque Rivadavia Book Market

With its vast selection of books, comics, and records, this nearly 70-year-old open-air market always rewards the patient browser.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

This historic, palatial theater is now one of the world’s most beautiful bookstores.
New York, New York

Plaque of Nikola Tesla on Radio Wave Building

The former hotel where Tesla invented the radio.
New York, New York

Russian and Turkish Baths Cafe

Have a steam and some blini at this cafe in a century-old bathhouse.
New York, New York

Cafe at the Swedish Church of New York

Finally, you don't have to be a pious Swedish seaman to relax like one.
New York, New York

Titanic Memorial

Manhattan's lighthouse, erected at the insistence of the unsinkable Molly Brown.
New York, New York


Though its celestial ceiling is impressive, the true star is the vast collection of French books.
Bronx, New York

Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The famous author's cottage hideaway.