melindaanncheatham's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Indianapolis, Indiana

Pogue's Run

This hidden stream beneath Indianapolis makes an appearance in the best-selling novel "Underground Airlines."
Bedford, Indiana

Bedford Limestone Pyramid

One-layer pyramid in Indiana.
Evansville, Indiana

The Nest Houses of Patrick Dougherty

Patrick Dougherty's fantastic living tree sculptures, mind-blowing but temporary.
Bloomington, Indiana

Empire Quarry

A stunning, abandoned limestone quarry in southern Indiana provided the stone to erect the Empire State Building.
Bloomington, Indiana

Knightridge Space Observatory

If astronomy had a ghost, it would look like this observatory.
Peru, Indiana

International Circus Hall of Fame

Artifacts from the golden days of the circus reside in a small Indiana town.
Nashville, Indiana

House of the Singing Winds

In the hills of southern Indiana is the idyllic studio and museum of legendary artist T.C. Steele.
Medora, Indiana

Medora Covered Bridge

At 431 feet and 10 inches, this is the longest historic covered bridge in the United States.
Osgood, Indiana

Bilby Tower

The last example of an innovative piece of surveying equipment now stands in its inventor's hometown.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Elvis Presley Final Concert Plaque

A monument to the King's final show, complete with a time capsule.
Covington, Indiana

Portland Arch

One of Indiana's only natural sandstone arches is nestled between resort ruins and an old Boy Scouts camp.
Kokomo, Indiana

Kokomo Railroad Watchman Tower

This relic of transportation history still stands in this Indiana city.
Vernon, Indiana

Old Tunnel Mill

This former mill tunnel was blasted under the ridge to divert a portion of the Muscatatuck River.
Rushville, Indiana

Lova Cline's Dollhouse Grave

A father’s love is immortalized by a unique dollhouse marking a young girl’s grave site.
Bloomfield, Indiana

A.M. Kennedy and Sons Covered Bridge

One of the last remaining covered bridges in the region.
Indianapolis, Indiana

The Idle

A park where you can watch the highway zoom past.
Huntington, Indiana

Huntington Sunken Gardens

A former limestone quarry has found a new life as a flourishing community garden.
Fremont, Indiana

Wild Winds Buffalo Preserve

A herd of roughly 250 American bison roam these plains.
Clarksville, Indiana

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Marine fossils from the Devonian period are exposed at this park.
Lagro, Indiana

Hanging Rock National Natural Landmark

This rock formation above the Wabash River is part of an ancient coral reef.
Evansville, Indiana

Isaac Knight Memorial

A tribute to a 13-year-old boy who was kidnapped in 1793 and escaped over two years later.
Peru, Indiana

Seven Pillars of the Mississinewa

A set of tall pillars and alcove-like rooms that are significant to the Miami people of Indiana.
Peru, Indiana

Cole Porter's Birthplace

The humble Hoosier roots of a famed Broadway composer.
Kokomo, Indiana

Kokomo Hum

Low-frequency noise compared to an idling train can only be heard by some of this industrial town's residents.