melindaanncheatham's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New Orleans, Louisiana

Fisherman's Castle on the Irish Bayou

This strange, small castle on the bayou has withstood the test of time and weather.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The world-record holder for the longest bridge stretching continuously over water.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 2

This "second" cemetery represents New Orleans' attempt to keep cholera at bay.
St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana

Fort Proctor

This abandoned Civil War fortress is slowly being swallowed by the waters of Lake Borgne.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Fort Pike

Once defending the city of New Orleans from invasion by sea, this fort faces an uncertain future.
Pearl River, Louisiana

Honey Island Swamp

Legend says a primate-like cryptid prowls this otherworldy sliver of the Louisiana bayou.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Napoleon House

A 200-year-old building in the French Quarter that was to be Napoleon's home in the New World.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Luling Mansion

Despite the ever pressing encroachment of urban sprawl this grand New Orleans manse still stands.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Metairie Cemetery

New Orleans' famous cemetery, located on the site of a former race track.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
New Orleans, Louisiana

LaLaurie Mansion

This symbolic piece of New Orleans architecture is also home to a few ghastly stories.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1

The oldest cemetery in New Orleans, resting peacefully for over 200 years now.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Tree of Life

This knobby, drooping New Orleans oak is a favorite place both for climbing and for meeting giraffes.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's Tomb

The final resting place of New Orleans' most famous voodoo priestess.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Singing Oak

This New Orleans tree is filled with hidden chimes that produce a carefully tuned melody.
Farmington, Maine

Nordica Homestead Museum

The birthplace of this Gilded Age celebrity, opera singer, suffragette, and shipwreck survivor has been turned into a museum celebrating her fascinating life.
Etna, Maine

Camp Etna

A major spiritual gathering place in central Maine since the mid-1800s.
North Berwick, Maine

Olde Woolen Mill

Once the beating heart of a small Maine town, this old mill was revitalized in part thanks to a starring role in 'Jumanji.'
Boothbay Harbor, Maine

The Sarah Mead

The last sailing lobster boat in Maine is also likely New England's first zero-emissions commercial vessel.
Bangor, Maine

Thomas Hill Standpipe

This 1.5 million-gallon water tower inspired Stephen King while he was writing "It."
Alna, Maine

Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington Railway Museum

Preserving the memory of the narrow railroads that once crisscrossed the state of Maine.
Kittery, Maine

Fort McClary State Historic Site

Despite its extensive history, this fort saw little to no combat.
Calais, Maine

Saint Croix Island National Historic Site

A shoreline exhibit describing the disastrous first attempt by the French to colonize North America.