alicent256's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rapa Nui, Chile

"El Gigante" and the Moai of Rapa Nui

The largest stone moai on Rapa Nui.
Dominican Republic

Corral de Los Indios

A pre-Columbian ceremonial and astronomical site built by the Taino Indians.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

Traditional 15th century Chinese garden in the middle of Vancouver.
Cold Spring Harbor, New York

The Whaling Museum

Whale bones, scrimshaw, and sperm oil make up just a part of this comprehensive collection of whaling history.
Örencik, Turkey

Gobekli Tepe

This hunter-gatherer architecture is believed to be the oldest religious complex known.
Paris, France

The Grand Lodge of France

One of the oldest masonic museums in Paris.
Lovell, Wyoming

Bighorn Medicine Wheel

Native Americans built this circle of stones, which was used to predict astronomical events.
La Vega, Dominican Republic

El Carnaval de la Vega

Largest pre-Lent festival in the Dominican Republic.
Gheti, India

Shatrunjaya Hill

A mecca for India's Jains.
Beijing, China

Working People's Cultural Palace

This smaller cousin of the Forbidden City has gone from ancestral sacrifice to tourist's whispers.
Beijing, China

Bai Gong Fang (100 Handicraftsmen Workshop)

A studio devoted to keeping hundreds of unique Chinese arts alive.
Shanghai, China

Shanghai Marriage Market

A son-and-daughter meat market, hawked by mom and dad.
Paris, France

The Sausage Stained Glass of the Eglise Saint Eustache

With a history of slaughter, feast, and famine, remnants of the pork industry decorate this area--even its church.
Kuraginsky District, Russia

Tiberkul Religious Settlement

Home of Vissarion, the "Jesus of Siberia."
Le Raincy, France

Notre Dame du Raincy

1920's reinforced concrete church by architect Auguste Perret changes the face of modern design.
Mutsu, Japan

Mount Osore

This mountain's identity is stuck somewhere between a nightmare and a scenic tourist attraction.
London, England

The London Stone

This legendary stone is of unknown origin, and throughout history has been a literal touchstone for British leaders.
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Tham Tu Pu

This elegant carving of the Buddha guards a small Buddhist temple within a cave.
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Wat Rong Khun

A white Buddhist temple with a golden restroom.
Tambon Saen Suk, Thailand

The Wang Saen Suk Hell Garden

Walk through depictions of the torture inflicted on those who go to Buddhist hell.
Paris, France

Le Droit Humain Masonic Lodge

The historic Masonic Lodge in which the first-ever female Mason was initiated.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

St. Anthony's Chapel

This church in Pittsburgh is home to the largest collection of religious relics in North America.
Karatsu, Japan

Hikiyama Float Exhibition Hall

The floats housed in this hall are more than 100 years old, and are brought out for an annual celebration.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.