supremesolice01's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Flørli, Norway


These 4,444 wooden steps straight up a mountain were built to serve a hydroelectric power station but these days, they're mostly used by hikers.
Tønsberg, Norway


This one-of-its-kind shipyard brings the 12th-century Viking Age back to life.
Vihals, Norway


Local legends say that a giant who tried to destroy a nearby church lived in this rock cave.
Lyngvær, Norway


This solitary convex mirror sculpture at an abandoned ferry station at the edge of a fjord reflects the scenery back at the viewer.
Tønsberg, Norway

Capitoline Wolf Statue

A statue that would be at home in Rome can instead be found in the heart of Norway's oldest city.
Bergen, Norway

Heksestein (The Witch Stone)

A memorial to 350 people burned at the stake for witchcraft.
Movatn, Norway

Dornier Do 17M-1 Crash Site

The remains of a German plane still sit in the Norwegian wood where it crashed in 1942.
Kristiansand, Norway

Executed Russian POWs' Memorial Graves

Five soviet prisoners of war were executed at this spot just days before the liberation of Norway.
Norheimsund, Norway

Hardanger Fartøyvernsenter (Hardanger Maritime Museum)

A living museum working to keep the traditions of building and repairing handmade wooden boats, ropemaking, and blacksmithing alive.
Stavanger, Norway

Norwegian Petroleum Museum

An impressive museum dedicated to the resource that made the Scandinavian country rich.
Tromsø, Norway

Roald Amundsen Monument

The great polar explorer is remembered in this far northern town, where he embarked on his final expedition.

Mount Halti Peak

Citizens of Norway want to gift the peak of Mount Halti to Finland for its 100th birthday.
Stavanger, Norway

Iddis: The Norwegian Printing and The Norwegian Canning Museum

A former factory now pays tribute to a local industry fueled by sardines.
Horten, Norway

Bastøy Prison

Once the scene of a young boy's home in revolt, this Norwegian island is now home to the world's first "ecological" prison.

Keiko's Memorial Cairn

Mound of stones marking the burial site of the world's most famous orca.
Sandefjord, Norway

Sandefjord Museum

Europe's only museum solely dedicated to the history of whaling still has a fully-functioning whaling ship.
Hammerfest, Norway

Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society

This one-room museum is dedicated to Norwegian history and jokes.
Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim CycloCable

The world's first and only escalator for lazy bicycles and their daunted riders.
Narvik, Norway

Z2 Georg Thiele Shipwreck

The rusted hull of a WWII German destroyer pokes above the surface in a Norwegian fjord.
Tromsø, Norway

Arctic Cathedral (Ishavskatedralen)

This functioning parish church is also the site of many concert performances due to its wonderful acoustics.
Larvik, Norway


Mysterious man-made rock piles form an ancient cemetery on this rocky beach in Norway.
Kristiansand, Norway

Kristiansand Kanonmuseum

The last fully functional fortress of Germany's World War II Atlantikwall.
Larvik, Norway

Minnehallen: The Hall of Remembrance

Norway's national monument to fallen seamen.
Holtålen, Norway

Hessdalen AMS

Research station devoted to mysterious floating lights seen in a Norwegian valley.