lumpthepolarbear's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Milford, New Jersey

The Famous River Hot Dog Man

The only thing better than tubing down New Jersey's scenic Delaware River is doing so while eating a hot dog from a giant floating stand.
Montclair, New Jersey

91.9 FM Pirate Radio Station

The radio station that's been promising to make love to you for the last 15 years—if you happen to be on one specific block in suburban New Jersey.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Chagall and Matisse Glass

This tiny church near Sleepy Hollow contains Henri Matisse's last work, a rose window, and nine windows by Marc Chagall.
Rochester, New York

The National Toy Hall of Fame

A collection of the best toys ever made, The National Toy Hall of Fame is filled with kids, fun, and for some reason, a bird preserve.
Rochester, New York

International Center for the History of Electronic Games

Comprehensive gaming collection of over 30,000 electronic games and consoles.
Pleasantville, New York

Glacial Erratic

This giant rock arrived at this quiet park thousands of years ago on the back of a massive glacier.
Lee, Massachusetts

Retro Pop Shop

Journey through vintage Americana inside this small Massachusetts shop.
Kutztown, Pennsylvania

Crystal Cave

In which a local geological marvel becomes a quaint roadside attraction.
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park

Mysterious rocks that ring musically when struck.
Rochester, New York


The floor-to-ceiling collection in an old factory is a unique alternative to stuffy galleries.
Paterson, New Jersey

Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park

In the power of this waterfall, Alexander Hamilton saw the potential for industry.
Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Site of Alice's Restaurant

You can get anything you want at the former site of the restaurant immortalized by Arlo Guthrie.
Sheffield, Massachusetts

Thom Reed UFO Monument Park

The site of the first "historically true" UFO encounter in the U.S.
Honeoye Falls, New York

Fairy Houses of Mendon Ponds Park

An unassuming nature trail winds through dozens of tiny houses built for the wee people.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Lehigh Millennium Folk Arch

A park full of outsider art, created by college students studying outsider art.
Stillwater, New York

Boot Monument

A monument to the military service of America's greatest traitor refuses to even name him.
Bluff Point, New York

USA Field

One patriotic farmer's ode to the 9/11 tragedy remains even after the farm changed hands.
Wilton, New York

Ulysses S. Grant Cottage National Historic Landmark

This picturesque cottage was the site of Ulysses S. Grant’s final and perhaps most important campaign.
New Paltz, New York

Mohonk Testimonial Gateway

This stone gatehouse was once the entrance to a historic mountain resort, and it had a cameo in a cheesy cult horror movie.
Rome, New York

Fort Stanwix National Monument

An interesting look into 18th-century American history.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum

The largest police museum in the western United States displays the evolution of crime-fighting Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Zayda Buddy's Pizza

A "Minnesota-style" pizza parlor in the Scandinavian heart of Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Dusty Strings

This music school doubles as a store for unique, hand-crafted, and hard-to-find instruments.
Seattle, Washington

Burke Museum Ichthyology Collection

This remarkable collection devoted to the study of fish includes 1 million preserved specimens from all around the world.