schuylergratto's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Burlington, Vermont

Burlington Earth Clock

Stand at the center of this lakefront sundial, and you'll become part of the timepiece.
Pierre-Châtel, France

La Pierre Percée

According to a local legend, this peculiar mountaintop rock formation is actually a demon that was turned into stone.
Obergoms VS, Switzerland

Hotel Belvédère

A once-thriving hotel in the Swiss Alps couldn't compete with climate change.
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

Trümmelbach Falls

Visit Europe's largest subterranean waterfall, carved by water from the glaciers of the towering peaks surrounding the valley.
Beatenberg, Switzerland

St. Beatus Cave

Caves famous for the dragon-slaying saint who lived there.
Sevelen, Switzerland

Alte Rheinbrücke (Old Rhine Bridge)

The oldest surviving wooden bridge over Rhine lets travelers cross easily from Switzerland to Liechtensten.
Ottrott, France

Secret Passages of Mont Sainte-Odile

An ancient monastery, a locked room, and a mysterious book heist.
Thann, France

L'œil de la Sorcière (The Witch’s Eye)

The remains of this castle, known as the Witch’s Eye, watch over the Thur Valley.
Lutry, Switzerland

Lutry Menhirs

Standing stones found on a construction site are re-erected.
Vevey, Switzerland

La Fourchette (The Fork)

At 929 pounds and 26 feet tall, this stainless steel fork can only be used by the likes of King Kong.
Montreux, Switzerland

Freddie Mercury Statue

This statue pays tribute to the iconic musician in the place where he recorded his final studio album.
Ennetbürgen, Switzerland

Hammetschwand Elevator

The tallest outdoor elevator in Europe rockets passengers on a dizzyingly precarious ride to the top of a mountain.
Littleton, New Hampshire

Chutters Candy Store

According to the experts at the Guinness World's Record office, this is the longest candy counter in the world.
Montreal, Québec

Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel (The Sailors' Church)

Small ship votives hang from the vaulted ceiling of this port-side church with a Latin inscription on the wall.
Montreal, Québec

St. Patrick's Basilica

Its columns were all carved from the same white oak tree.
Notre-Dame-de-Montauban, Québec

Les Chutes du $5

The falls were named for the mistaken idea that they were the ones pictured on the Canadian $5 bill.
Montreal, Québec

La Sala Rossa

From lefty Jewish gathering site to hip cultural site in just 80 years.
Montreal, Québec


A Montreal deli that was so beloved that it was allowed to circumvent their laws of language.
Montreal, Québec

Marché Jean-Talon

Montreal's giant farmer's market is a foodie's best friend, especially in the winter months.
Smardale, England

Smardale Gill Viaduct

A spectacular disused railway viaduct in a beautiful countryside nature reserve.
Harmby, England

Harmby Waterfall

A small waterfall tucked away in the forest of Harmby Gill.
North Yorkshire, England

Wreck of the MV Creteblock

The remains of the concrete ship can be seen during low tide.
Whitby, England

199 Steps Coffin Benches

These planks were originally installed to hold the dead.
Whitby, England

Whitby Wishing Chair

Legend says squeezing into this slender stone seat will make your wish come true.