johnsonsa1981's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Seattle, Washington

Elephant Car Wash Sign

Now housed in a museum, this giant pink elephant stood in downtown Seattle for more than 60 years.
Seattle, Washington

Walker Rock Garden

A Boeing mechanic and his wife leave a whimsical, stone sculptured garden as their legacy.
Seattle, Washington

Inscape Arts and Cultural Center

This former INS center is now home to a thriving community of artists, from performers to painters to architects.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Evergreen Point Floating Bridge

The longest and widest floating bridge in the world.
Seattle, Washington

Smith Tower Penthouse

42nd story Pyramid shaped penthouse tops Seattle's oldest skyscraper.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.
Seattle, Washington

Hat 'n' Boots

Seattle's super-sized cowboy apparel once belonged to a themed gas station that wrangled in herds of tourists.
Seattle, Washington

Rubber Chicken Museum

The flock of plastic poultry is an ode to the classic comedy staple.
San Francisco, California

Presidio Pet Cemetery

A monument to the love people have for their pets.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
San Francisco, California

Aquatic Park Tombstones

Visible below the waves are memorials to the city's Gold Rush dead.
San Francisco, California

Musée Mécanique

A collection of 20th-century automata, penny arcade games, and musical contraptions.