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Gmünd in Kärnten, Austria

Geteilte Kirche am Kreuzbichl (Divided Church)

A road runs through the middle of this small Austrian chapel.
Vysoký Újezd, Czechia

Velka Amerika

This former quarry is now a picturesque gorge that hides a sunken lake.
Nuremberg, Germany

'Der Hase'

This strange sculpture depicts a giant nightmare hare crushing a man to death beneath its colossal bulk.
Salzburg, Austria

Schloss Hellbrunn

Trick water gardens from 1619 featuring a 200 piece mechanical theater powered by water.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Netzschkau, Germany

Göltzsch Viaduct

The largest brick bridge in the world.
Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Kaiserbad Spa

Before serving as James Bond's Casino Royale, this Victorian-era spa catered to the world's elite.
Salzburg, Austria


Amidst medieval and baroque buildings, five human-sized gherkins stand tall.
Chiemsee, Germany

Herrenchiemsee Neues Schloss

Originally envisioned by King Ludwig II to rival Versailles, Herrenchiemsee's "New Palace" remains half-gilded for lack of funds.
Dresden, Germany

Slaughterhouse Five

Slaughterhouse Five opens its dank doors to fans of Kurt Vonnegut.
Dresden, Germany

Kunsthofpassage Singing Drain Pipes

When the rain falls, this drain system turns into a musical instrument.
Dresden, Germany

Dresden Frauenkirche

This Dresden church was purposely rebuilt Protestant after being demolished in World War II.
Liberec, Czechia

Hostina Obrů (Feast of Giants)

An unusual bronze bus shelter is actually an art installation commenting on the city's history with the Nazi party.
Liberec, Czechia

Hotel Ještěd

This unusually shaped mountaintop tower looks like a UFO floating over the city.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Berlin, Germany

Spandauer Zitadelle (Spandau Citadel)

A 12th-century fortress containing some of Berlin's oldest buildings.
Potsdam, Germany

Sanssouci Palace

The "Prussian Versailles" that is as glorious today as when it was built.
Potsdam, Germany


Solar observatory doubles as a daring display of Expressionist architecture, much to Einstein's chagrin.
Berlin, Germany

Bridge of Spies

Germany's Glienicke Bridge has a shady history of clandestine meetings, espionage, and spycraft.
Le Roeulx, Belgium

Strépy-Thieu Boat Lift

The world's tallest boat lift stands as a massive piece of industrial tourism.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Sainte-Mère-Église, France

Private John Steele Monument

An effigy of a trapped paratrooper dangles from a Normandy church to commemorate one remarkable D-Day event.
Bayeux, France

Bayeux Tapestry

This enormous "cloth of the conquest" depicts the Norman invasion of England in mind-blowing detail.