wimballon's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Zossen, Germany

Winkel Towers of Zossen

Several of these strange cone-shaped bunkers can still be seen around the former Nazi headquarters.
Mettlach, Germany

Höckerlinie Westwall

Now overgrown, these anti-tank barriers from World War II are sometimes called "dragon's teeth."
Siegen, Germany

Ziegenberg Gasometer

One of the only spherical 19th century gas containers left today.
Beidweiler, Luxembourg


This tri-part waterfall is a little bit of fairytale beauty in the heart of Luxembourg's Little Switzerland.
Wierschem, Germany

Eltz Castle - Burg Eltz

This medieval castle overlooking the Elzbach river looks just like it did hundreds of years ago.
Arques, France

Les Fontinettes

This disused boat elevator was saved from the scrap heap so that visitors could tour its rusting skeleton.
Siegen, Germany

Hainer Stollen

The abandoned mine where American troops discovered a treasure trove of art and artifacts hidden by the Nazis.
Givenchy-en-Gohelle, France

Canadian National Vimy Memorial

A monument to the thousands of Canadian soldiers who died capturing the French ridge during World War I.
Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany

Germany's Secret Government Bunker

A top-secret bunker now turned museum, is an eerie look at what life would have looked like in the event of nuclear war.
Königswinter, Germany

Burg Drachenfels

A ruined castle stands atop a hill surrounded by dragon lore.
Königswinter, Germany


This temple to the sturm and drang of Richard Wagner contains a dragon's cave and reptile zoo full of living "dragons."
Groningen, Netherlands

Groningen University Museum

Preserving the research tools, unexpected inventions, and odd collections of generations of college professors.
Leffrinckoucke, France

Leffrinckoucke Bunkers

These crumbling Nazi artillery bunkers are now fair game for massive graffiti projects.
Valenciennes, France

Abandoned Eurostar Train

This is what trains will look like after the zombie apocalypse.
Mildam, Netherlands


Nestled in the woods lies this land art project: a hybrid between park, maze and natural monument.
De Koog, Netherlands

Shipwreck and Beachcombing Museum

The history of sea-faring refuse and disaster is on cramped display in this Netherlands folk museum.
Ypres, Belgium

The Birthplace of 'In Flanders Fields'

The site where one of the most famous poems of World War I was composed is preserved to honor the legacy of the work.
Schleiden, Germany

Ordensburg Vogelsang

This former Nazi castle was built as a school to train what would have been the future of the Third Reich.
Essen, Germany


The Bauhaus-style former industrial complex is considered the world's most beautiful coal mine.
Giethoorn, Netherlands


This small town in the Netherlands has no roads but instead, miles of canals and over 100 bridges.
Heyd, Belgium

La Balade des Gnomes

A fantastical bed and breakfast with magically unique rooms.
Roubaix, France

La Piscine

Museum in a swimming pool where the water still flows.
Oberhausen, Germany

Gasometer Oberhausen

An industrial relic is now one of Europe's most staggering art spaces.
Duisburg, Germany

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

This former steel and coal plant is now a neon-lit industrial fantasia.