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Xalapa, Mexico

Xalapa Museum of Anthropology

The largest collection of artifacts from the Olmec civilization, the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Templo de San Antonio

This ornate church designed by a self-taught architect is an eclectic masterpiece in the heart of Central Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Geología (Museum of the Institute of Geology)

The museum houses "the most studied meteorite in history," among other geological oddities.
Mexico City, Mexico

Franz Mayer Museum Silver Collection

A shining treasure trove of fine Mexican silver dating back to the 15th century.
Mexico City, Mexico

'Las Razas y La Cultura' Mural

This stunning and ethereal mural symbolizes the beauty, unity, and diversity of humankind.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Panteón General (General Cemetery)

This graveyard boasts a medley of diverse and imaginative funeral architecture.
Janitzio, Mexico

Statue of José Maria Morelos

Climb through the life of a Mexican hero as you ascend a 130-foot statue.
Mexico City, Mexico

Helu's Productos Árabes

This tiny, tucked-away eatery reflects the history of Mexico's Lebanese immigrants.
Oaxaca, Mexico

La Pozontlería

One of the city's few vendors selling the Sierra Norte's ancestral beverage lies within a hidden farmers market.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mixcoac Archaeological Site

The ruins of the "place of the cloud snake" sit in the middle of an urban environment.
Valle de Bravo, Mexico

Ahuehuete Multicentenario

This beloved, centuries-old tree stands at the center of a small park dotted with archaeological artifacts.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
Texcoco, Mexico

Museo Paleontológico Tocuila (Paleontological Museum of Tocuila)

Get a close look at the gigantic remains of long-extinct mammoths.
Taxco, Mexico

Museo De Arte Virreinal (Museum of Viceroyalty Art)

The jewel of the museum is a rare tumulus, a funeral decoration from the 18th century.
Mexico City, Mexico

'El Perfil del Tiempo'

A "time traveler's" vision of human history stretches throughout Mexico City's Copilco metro station.
Cacahuamilpa, Mexico

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

One of the world’s largest cave systems houses legends, concerts, and wondrous rock formations alike.


The Acropolis of this little-visited Mayan archaeological site offers great views of Chiapas’s Lake District.
Mexico City, Mexico

Casa de la Memoria Indómita (House of Indomitable Memory)

Its exhibits are dedicated to educating the public about state terrorism in Mexico.
Malinalco, Mexico

House of the Eagles

The ruins of a former sanctuary for elite Aztec warriors.
Concá, Mexico

El Árbol Milenario

A fairytale-like grove with a crystal-clear spring bubbling under the shade of a massive ancient tree.
Valladolid, Mexico

Cenote San Lorenzo Oxman

Found down a long dirt road, a sacred Mexican cenote and 18th-century hacienda remain hidden.
Mexico City, Mexico

Tomb of Hernán Cortés

Hidden for more than a century, the grave of the Conquistador remains forgotten behind these church walls.
Mexico City, Mexico

Biblioteca de México

This "City of Books" holds a museum, library, and the complete personal book collections of five of Mexico's greatest thinkers.
Mexico City, Mexico

Moctezuma's Treasure

It's believed this golden brick is part of the legendary lost Aztec treasure.